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The annual membership dues for Voting Membership are $100.00. Voting Member include a full listing on our website and entitles members to vote and hold office. Voting Members may also post grapes for sale at no charge. Voting Members shall designate their vineyards as producing or non-producing vineyards. While there is no difference in membership rights and privileges based on this designation, Voting Members can be non-producing vineyards for no more than 3 years.
The annual dues for Associate Membership, which includes a mention but not a full listing on our website, is $50.00. Associate members cannot vote or hold office in the Association. Associate Members are non-commercial hobby grape growers, consumers, community supporters, and businesses. Anyone who wishes to support the winegrape growing industry in El Dorado County is welcomed.
All memberships run with the calendar year. Memberships paid in November or December are good for the following year. Membership renewals received after March 31st will be charged an additional $25.00 late fee.